I was not a military brat.

I sometimes talk about my experience with the military.  Most folks assume that my dad was in the military.  Nope.  Neither was my mom, nor my brother.  My grandpa was in the Army, but that was WWII and he didn’t speak about it frequently.  Then they suspect my husband was in the military, he does have really short hair and we have moved around a LOT…about eleven addresses in fifteen years.

I was active duty Air Force from 1989 to 1993 as a computer programmer and served stateside during Desert Storm.  I enlisted on my 17th birthday before my senior year of high school started and left for basic training about two weeks after graduation.  Many think of me as bossy (I was back then, too), and it wouldn’t fit my personality to “take orders.”  The reality was that I thrived in the military environment, and still believe it to be one of my best life decisions.

I suppose I didn’t take the traditional path, but that’s pretty normal for me.